International Conference

SelvabavithaV., SangarthasS., NilakshmanS., Dr. K. P., and Prof. N. S. S., “Mathematical Modlling and simulation of Dengue Transmission( Jaffna Peninsula),” 2021.
V.Selvabavitha, T. Anuthrika, S.Kirishanth, and B.Yogaraja, “Identify the Best model to forecast the Monthly Rainfall in Jaffna District, Sri Lanka by Using Time Series Analysis,” in Proceedings of the University of Uva Wellasa International research conference (IRCUWU), 2021, p. 186.
T. T. V.Selvabavitha, “Modeling of the Dengue outbreak using modified SEIR model in Jaffna district.,” in Proceedings of the postgraduate institute of Science Research Congress International research conference (RESCON), 2021, p. 80.