Visit of undergraduate students’ team from Queensland, Australia

Dr. Wijitha Senadeera from Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia and his research team made a visit to the Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna in December 2015. The Faculty staff members had a fruitful discussion with this research team on possible research opportunities for the undergraduates and staff members especially the Dean, Faculty of Engineering and the Head, Department of Interdisciplinary studies.

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Third year Civil Engineering students visited irrigation systems in Northern Province

Third year civil engineering students of university of Jaffna visited irrigation systems in Northern Province on 30th Dec 2015. They have visited Vishwamadu, Kalmadu and Iranamadu irrigation schemes. This field visit was organized by Mr. Saliya Sampath. Students got the opportunity to view reservoirs and related structures such as canal, cross drainage and irrigation structures during the field visit.

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