Winner- student/academia category IEEE SA Telehealth Solutions Virtual Pitch Competition

Winner- student/academia category IEEE SA Telehealth Solutions Virtual Pitch Competition

The IEEE SA Transforming the Telehealth Paradigm Industry Connections Program in collaboration with the IEEE SA Healthcare and Life Sciences Practice held its first annual IEEE SA Telehealth Solutions Virtual Pitch Competition “Rethink the "Machine: Transforming RPM to a Patient-Centered Care System”

The theme of the competition focused on Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM), a subset of telehealth, enabling physicians to better monitor and care for patients in real-time in a remote location. The competition sought solutions across the many touchpoints of the RPM experience with the goal of identifying potential opportunities to nurture ideas for global technical and/or data standards.

The Final Year Research Project “Multi-Purpose Health Monitoring Bracelet” of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Jaffna was selected among the 9 global finalists of the competition. It was the only team among the finalists representing an Asian Country.

The research project Multi-Purpose Health Monitoring Bracelet (MHMB) was carried out by the students Nilojkanth Loganathan and  Pramuka Sooriyapatabandige under the supervision and guidance of Mr R. Valluvan (Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna), Prof. R. Surenthirakumaran (Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna) and Dr S. Sivasothy (Founder, Dotshook, France).

The final virtual pitch event took place virtually on the 8th of February 2022.

The Project MHMB was placed first in the category of Student/Academia at the IEEE SA Telehealth Solutions Virtual Pitch Competition

The research project Multi-Purpose Health Bracelet has also won the Professor S. Mahalingam Memorial Innovative Project Proposal Award 2020 presented by the Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna and Best Innovative Product/ Project – University – Northern Province at the SLASSCOM National Ingenuity Awards 2022.

Video Link - Click here

We congratulate the team for winning the 1st place of this international competition, representing University of Jaffna and Sri Lanka.


Students obtained First place and the most popular invention awards at the “Undergraduate inventor of the year (UIY) 2021” competition

The IESL established the Undergraduate Inventor of the Year (UIY) 2021 competition for undergraduates to encourage and stimulate interest in engineering inventions and provide an opportunity to organize and present their inventions. This is a unique opportunity to recognize and reward the nation’s most remarkable and innovative undergraduate students.

Competition was opened for any student member of IESL or an undergraduate of engineering faculties of the University of Peradeniya, University of Moratuwa, University of Ruhuna, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, South Eastern University, University of Jaffna and Open University of Sri Lanka. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the final competition was held online on October 8th 2021. Undergraduates from the universities of Peradeniya, Sri Jayewardenepura, and Jaffna had selected to the grand finale. Each entry was judged on its originality, inventiveness, scope of use, and potential social, environmental, or economic value.

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Faculty staff attended the WaSo Asia Africa Joint meeting at Ethiopia

Dr. S.S. Sivakumar, coordinator of WaSo project of UoJ and Mr. D.S. Sampath, Secretary of WaSo project attended WaSo Asia and Africa joint meeting at Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia from 17th -19th November 2017. Meeting hosted by Department of Political Science and International Relations, Addis Ababa University of Ethiopia. Meeting held at Adulala Resort, Bishoftu, Ethiopia. This meeting was focused on followings.

  • Administration issues
  • NORAD annual meeting preparation
  • Curricula development
  • Project implementation plan
  • Sustainability of WaSo – during and beyond

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Second batch of Kelani Sakthi program was completed and MOU was extended with Kelani Cable PLC

The Kelani Sakthi program is delivering Electrician courses in Tamil Medium as free education system fully sponsored by the Kelani Cable PLC industry from June 2014. This is to empower community by producing knowledgeable electricians with skill on work. This was carried out for last three years after signing the first MOU on 17th June 2014 for three years. As this MOU was successfully completed in 2017 and the second batch of 24 students also completed their electrician program, a certificate awarding event was organized on 16th November 2017. On this date, the second phase of MOU was also signed to extend this program for next three years with the full sponsorship from Kelani Cable PLC Ltd. Annual budget of this program come about one million rupees as sponsor from Kelani Cable PLC Ltd. This event was blessed by the Professor Ratnam Vigneswaran, Vice Chancellor and Mr. Mahinda Sarnapala, CEO of the Kelani Cables PLC Ltd and his team. This whole program was coordinated and successfully conducted by Dr. T. Thiruvaran, coordinator of the Kelani Sakthi program and Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

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Initiation of Incubation Center at the Faculty of Engineering by SLIC

Sri Lanka Inventors Commission (SLIC) Commissioner visited to the Faculty of Engineering on 13th November 2017. There were number of discussions and as a follow up action he visited to the Faculty of Engineering to discuss in detail on establishing the Incubator Center at Kilinochchi premises. He visited with other two officers of the SLIC. He spent the whole day in the Faculty of visiting to all the laboratory and discussing about the available equipment. Further he also see the possible space to start up the incubation center operations. As a result he approved to establish the incubation center at the Faculty of Engineering available places in the Department of Computer Engineering. In the evening meeting, the initial purchase of equipment was discussed in detail. Finally total of 10.85 million rupees worth equipment and furniture was approved to be purchased. While he approved, he requested to do all procedure and sent the purchase order to release the money from SLIC to the University of Jaffna. This whole program was coordinated and Incubator center proposal write up was done by Mr. R. Valluvan, the coordinator of the University Business Linkage Cell (UBLS) Engineering.

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A team of students participated at the grand finals of the HackLN 2017

A group of students with the name of “Team kavalance” represented the Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna in a competition held at Kelaniya University. They were selected to compete at Grand finals on “HackLN 2017” hackthon competition. This was organized by the Kelaniya University in association with The Sri Lanka Inventors Commission. Competition was under “Hack the Future by improve solution in 2017 to make better life in 3017” topic.

Total of 60 teams were participated by representing 14 Universities. This was the first margin, the team crossed by becoming within the top 24, where it was selected for the semifinals. Within those 24 teams, in the second round competitions, the team became within the top 14, who was competing in Grand finals. The grand final competition was held on 11th November 2017 during the night at hackthon. For this competition two mentors from the Sri Lanka IT industries were helping the team of the students, who were Mr. Jerome Samarasinghe and Mr. Gayan Pathirage.

Civil Engineering Students Obtained “Emerging Civil engineer award 2017”

The Emerging Civil Engineer Award is an annual competition organised by the Sri Lanka Association of the Institution of Civil Engineers to encourage and support future civil engineers of Sri Lanka. The award aims to identify and reward the most innovative civil engineering student in Sri Lanka and to encourage innovative thinking among all civil engineering students. This event was held in 3rd April 2017.

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