Dr. Ramesh Dhere delivered a talk at the Faculty

Dr. Ramesh Dhere, from University of Illinois at Chicago, visited the Faculty of Engineering and delivered a talk to the students and staff. It was held on 5th August 2015. The talk addressed the latest development with some history on Climate Change and Renewable Energy. Dr. Ramesh completed his PhD at University of Colorado, Boulder, USA and now he is an adjacent professor at University of Illinois at Chicago, USA. He is also serving as the Vice President of the Research and Development section of the Episolar Inc. Bolinbrook, Illinois, USA. Formerly he was a senior scientist at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Colorado in USA.

Dr. Ramesh is currently a visiting academic fellow of the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science at the University of Jaffna under Fulbright specialist program. He is taking few lectures on Energy Physics to special degree students for three weeks in July/August and he will be visiting again to Department of Physics of the University of Jaffna in November/December for pursuing a collaborative research work.